Saving one animal will not change the world, but for that one animal the world will change forever.
PAW First,Inc.
Putting Animal Welfare First
We are a group of volunteers devoted to the rescue, fostering, and placement of abused, unwanted or abandoned animals who may otherwise face life termination. We do not discriminate on the basis of breed. It is our goal to raise community awareness of the plight of homeless animals. Spaying and neutering is a huge focus as is overall responsible pet ownership. All of our animals are examined, vaccinated, spayed or neutered and receive complete medical treatment before they are placed in carefully screened permanent homes.

To one day help lower-income people with spaying/neutering and vaccinating their animals when they otherwise could not afford to do so.
We strive to help reduce pet over-population in our community.
A mobile transportation unit/RV for our Adopt A Pets.
Acreage for a large facility. Sadly, PAWFirst is inundated with far more requests for help than we have space or funds to meet.
Foster and adoptive homes for large dogs, animals with behavioral issues, sick or senior animals are hard to find. We desperately need more room to house these animals for long term care.